Adventures In Running

Monday, March 30, 2009

Time for a change in plans

OK - Time for pity is behind me.  Time to refocus is ahead of me.

This next week I am taking off of running.  I might do some walking, but I think I need to let my IT Band cool down.  I will be taking anti-inflammatories, icing, rolling it on the styrofoam roller and stretching.  My original plan was to take the week off after finishing 50 miles and it seems logical now.

I really think that the compression shorts were the cause of the injury.  I had worn them in trial runs up to about 10 miles and did feel like they were using my muscles a little differently - but nothing that concerned me. On the bright side - they worked good for my hernia situation. 

I have also let myself slide physically since I had surgery in 2008. Prior to that time, I was weight lifting 3-4 times a week and had lost a lot of weight with a trainer. Post surgery, I then moved, went to Italy and the started a new focus on actually becoming a runner.  Time to get back to what worked.  I will go back to the gym and get into a workout schedule with weights. Some adaptation  may need to be done around the hernia - but that is easily enough done.

I am also getting rid of the junk food and going to learn to eat healthy again. I am going to compile my recipes as I try new things to make me a quick and easy cookbook for single runners.

I am also going to get into yoga, pilates, plyometrics and the dreaded intervals.  I need to push myself more on my runs  2-3 times a week with a plan in mind (ie intervals, tempo runs) and not have junk miles unless they are mental destressing days.

The last Saturday in October is the OV (Ogden Valley) 50 miler.  It is all on roads, so easily accessible.  Leslie and I invite all our friends who want to pace us on different sections to put that on your calendars now. 

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