Adventures In Running

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Recovery is over

I did a run in the Avenues and up City Creek Canyon this morning with my friend Marion and did not feel any twinges in the IT band. This means that my recovery plan has worked as I intended it to (thank heavens). I think I can now cautiously start putting hills back in my workouts – but will still play it cautious on downhills for a while.

The Ogden Marathon is coming up again in 2+ weeks on May 16th. This race holds a special place in my heart because Ogden was my very first marathon in 2004. How terrifying and exhilarating it was to contemplate that first 26.2 miles and I was so grateful to my family for showing up and supporting me and to my good friend, Vic Mason, who got me started running/walking marathons and met me at mile 18 to take me in to the finish. I have run this race every year since that first one, with the exception of 2008. For some reason, my doctor wouldn't let me run a race three days after major abdominal surgery.

I'm not quite in the condition I wanted to be for Ogden due to the injury and recovery, but I am optimistic for a good time (not a great time) as far as my speed and a great time as far as being out there running again. My plan is to run 9 minutes/ walk 1 minute from the very start and be conservative until part way down the canyon and then start pushing myself if my knee is feeling good.

One of the disadvantages of having so many races already planned out is that my Saturdays are pretty full. That same day is my sister's first triathlon and I would love to be there cheering her on – but can't be in two places at the same time (I'm working on that as a goal for next year). Hopefully she knows that in my heart and mind I will be thinking of her and wishing her a great race and a wonderful day.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Crazy Comparisons

OK - I have to admit that sometimes when you are running or walking for long distances - the silliest things run through your mind. Maybe its a form of self-amusement - but if it helps deal with pain and/or boredom - I will take it.

For instance, today I was running with a group of women from the Fast Running Blog. Except - I am the slowest person there - so I was actually running alone 'far behind' a group of women from the Fast Running Blog. Another woman I passed earlier on my run turned around before the actual end of the trail and, for some silly reason, this annoyed me, so I made a game out of trying to catch her before we got back on the old section of the trail (I was about 1/2 mile behind and had 2 miles to catch her in). She was running on the paved trail, I was making my own trail in the dirt fields beside the trail. I was actually pretending I was a vampire chasing down my food and loved when I came out from behind a long stretch of mounds of dirt and had actually caught up to her.

Another thing that crossed my mind today was a comparison table between asphalt and trail running. I'm sure it was more fascinating to me than it will be to anyone else, but here it is:

Criteria Considered Asphalt Trails
Running Speed Faster Slower
Effect on leg joints Harder Easier
Can left mind drift Most of the time Rarely - need to watch trail
Chances of a face plant Low Moderate to Medium
Proprioception benefits Low Medium
Abiliity to get away from traffic Low Medium to high
Percentage of leg and core muscles used Average - you tend to develop the same ones Higher than average - terrain uses all muscles


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Yoga Podcast Recommendation

As part of my recuperation process, I started looking at yoga last week. I had bought one DVD on it and enjoyed that, but I also wanted to experience other yoga instructors (don't ask me what they are called).

I went out to iTunes and downloaded several video podcasts on both yoga and pilates. Tonight I started looking at some of the ones I had chosen. A couple didn't meet my needs and were immediately sent to the infamous recycle bin.

One podcast I tried tonight got me hooked. I tried just one episode - Yoga in a Chair and loved the instructor and the workout. I highly recommend this podcast series: YOGAmazing - Yoga Lifestyle.


Training continues

I am recovering well from the IT Band injury. My treatments have included 800 mg of Ibuprofen 3x daily, ice, rest (one week off from running), and a great massage from my friend, Leslie Peterson.

I have tons of surplus energy, but when I do run, I find I get tired much easier than just a few weeks ago. That is a bit frustrating, but I am sure with patience it will heal. I am trying to wear an IT Band compression strap when exercising to keep the IT Band from flaring up. I have also done a lot of cross training - including weight lifting, bicycling (still recovering from a 22 mile ride last night), yoga, water running, and swimming. I am only running 3-4 days this week and going to maintain the cross training throughout the summer.

In hindsight - it is probably good that the Red Mountain 50K race that was scheduled for 10 days from now was cancelled for economic reasons. I would want to run the entire race and probably do some serious damage.

This has also been a great time to catch up on reading some running books and magazines and plan my grandiose schemes that I will never follow through with.
