Adventures In Running

Friday, April 2, 2010

100 Pushup Challenge

Five weeks ago I broached my co-workers on doing the 100 pushup challenge and 200 sit-up challenges. We had a good group at first. Joining me for pushups were Matt, Nancy, Randa, Michele, Russell and Paul (who had just had knee surgery a week or two earlier). Joining me for sit-ups were Michele, Nancy, Randa, Megan, and Matt.

It is kind of a nice break during the day to gather in the Client Support area or in an office and share the pain as we rotated through our sets. Of course, Paul was always amazing because he does these perfect, effortless pushups. Mine are pretty pathetic, but most weeks I have been able to crank most of my pushups out 'man' style.

Three weeks in Michele, Randa and I went on a business trip to Michigan. I think that was the end of the sit-up challenge because no one seems to be doing those anymore.

Add in sickness (like pneumonia is a good excuse), injuries, laziness, etc and the numbers doing pushups have dwindled. Hopefully we will get a couple of people to join us again next week. Paul and I have been on our own for a while. We did week 3 twice in a row and moved on to week 4 this week. By the end of today I had done 160 pushups and Paul had done 170. I'm not sure if it is better to avoid the pushups and do them later in the day or get them over with so I don't dread them all day.

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