Adventures In Running

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Running time again

I have let my running slip (a lot). Work has been consuming my life and I let a lot of exercise go by the wayside (except for getting Twilight out). Since I was heading to Georgia for a family vacation for a week, I decided it would be a good time to start running again.

One slight problem with that equation – 100+ degree heat each day and close to 100% humidity. Running was very hard. Most days I settled for running two minutes, walking one minute for the length of the run. It was hard to breathe and I was soaked with sweat. I tried to get out early each day – but the heat and humidity still drained me. However, I persevered and most days ran between 4-6 miles and walked anywhere from 1-3 miles more.

Now that I am back in the land of "it's a dry heat" – I need to maintain the running and get out early each morning. It was a mistake to let my jobs consume my life so much and I think I will probably be more effective if I workout each day. Me time has to be a priority or everything else suffers.

In the back of my mind I would really like to do a lot of trail running next year – the Buffalo Run 50 Mile in March, a Rim To Rim To Rim of the Grand Canyon in April, Squaw Peak 50 Mile in June, and Pony Express 50 Mile in October. If I am going to do that – I need to get my daily mileage up to around 8 miles a day at least 4 times a week (plus a long run) and lose 20-25 pounds. Still, having a goal might get my focus where I want it to be.

I'll keep you updated (whoever you are).

Friday, June 10, 2011

Trail Therapy

I've been working lots and lots of hours lately. Combine those hours with working two different jobs and there hasn't been as much free time for working out as I would like.

So many times I have told people that they will be more effective at work if they take some time to work out and get their minds clear. I must admit I am guilty of not following my own advice. I think that needs to change.

Anyway – I had worked from about 6-9 a.m. yesterday and was starting to feel frazzled, so asked if I could take a few hours off to go running. I changed clothes and headed up Millcreek Canyon to run the Pipeline Trail. The weather alternated between being sunny and sprinkling on me – but it was so nice to be back on trails. There is nothing like being back in nature to allow your mind to clear. Especially on shorter runs when I don't turn on music and force myself to detach from electronics (except my beloved Garmin, of course). 9.25 miles and 2 hours and 15 minutes later, I was refreshed and ready to go back to work and be productive.

As close as I live to trails – I really wish they were even closer. This so beats running on roads in any way, shape and form.

Biking to Work

I've been meaning to start riding my bike to work when the weather was good. The problem is – I started to wonder if the weather would ever be good. How many days in a row do we have to have rain? I don't remember moving to Seattle!

Anyway – the rain finally eased up for a few days and my son has been having car problems, so I have ridden my bike to work two of the last three days. A bit chilly in the morning – but it is a good way to get the blood flowing and I only live 2 ½ miles from the office.

A couple of issues the first day – found one of my brake cables was not working on the way in. Luckily the back break was working and I didn't do a face plant. And on the way home my backpack strap got caught on the seat so I couldn't get up into the saddle. But I now have a nice new helmet (not one of the old bucket ones) and I am in the groove – so hopefully this trend will continue and I can get more exercise and save on gas.