Marathon thoughts
I was at a Talent Management conference in Las Vegas on Monday when I heard the tragic news of the Boston Marathon hit me. I was in shock a lot of the afternoon. Several thoughts were running through my mind:
- Why would anyone target a marathon (especially Boston!) for a terrorist attack? How will this change my sport over the years?
- Were all my friends and family at the race safe? Thank heavens for Facebook because we were able to connect through their and find out status updates.
- How could I deal with guilt that all those I knew were safe, but so many either lost their lives or had their lives permanently changed in a moment of time?
This has been a terrible week in the U.S. So much death and injury. So many impacted. So little I can do.
- I can volunteer
- I can donate money
- I can pray
- I can give blood
- I can hug and love my family and be grateful they are all safe (including my running family)
But my heart aches for those that are hurting, mourning and suffering all across this country. I have had a few family members die tragic deaths – much too young. My cousin lost her husband over in Hawaii from a construction accident. Lives changed in a minute. My beautiful sister-in-law was out running and was hit and killed by a pickup truck. Not a day has gone by in the past 14+ years that I do not think of her and remember that awful day. And yet – some good comes out of the bad. That is what I hope for those that are suffering – that there can be some good in their lives and some peace and happiness at some point in time.
One more random thought – I feel bad for the winners of the 2013 Boston Marathon. A moment of a lifetime that will hardly ever be remembered because of the explosions that occurred that day. I had to look them up on the internet to find out who won – because that focus only lasted an hour or two. I congratulate all the winners and all the marathon participants for their efforts that day. I honor all those that protected their families and those that went out of their way to try and save life and limb when the bombs went off.
Where are the Adventures in Running?
Sadly lacking. Sorry – I am letting myself and my few followers down.
My endurance while running was improving and my speed very slowly coming back. But each run left me hurting and almost dreading the next run because I knew that I would be in pain after the run and dreaded the burning and bruised feeling in my foot. Running dropped to 3 or so days a week. Even standing on my foot for a while would make it hurt later.
I finally got a doctor's appointment and told the doctor I was willing to go non-weight bearing if it would help my foot heal. He told me he was very surprised that I was not doing marathons by this point. An ultrasound revealed my plantar fascia had filled up with fluid instead of healing with healthy tissue. They inserted cortisone directly into the PF. I was told to cut down on my running to less than 30 minutes 2 days a week and less than 60 minutes 1 day a week. Plus icing 3 times a day.
The foot felt better for about 48 hours – then it started hurting again. While I was in Vegas I was in almost constant pain – even from just walking around. I now have an MRI scheduled for Monday. Hopefully we will be able to figure out a plan of action from that.
I've cancelled all my summer races – including pacing the Thelma and Louise Half Marathon and Ragnar. At this point – I just want to be out of constant pain.
Of course, being raised on guilt, I also feel guilty that I am whining about measly foot pain when people have lost feet and legs. You just can't win – can you?